Simon came to speak to a group of healthcare professionals from Swindon and Shrivenham at a Diabetes Redesign Workshop. They had gathered to discuss the way that diabetes care operates in the area, and whether the delivery can be changed to improve the well being of people in the community who suffer from the disease.
Simon spoke about his experiences with diabetes – the struggles he faced to live the recommended lifestyle and the consequences of his actions: “I told my story to the audience at the CCG Diabetic Workshop. These videos are a feedback conversation between Gill May and myself in my home. Gill explains to me the impact of my role in that session. I hope it makes you think about Diabetes and how serious it is.”
Simon stressed how difficult he found it to maintain the lifestyle that he knew was the best to fight the disease. He wants everyone to learn from his example and to seek help if they are finding.
If you are struggling with diabetes, want to learn how to minimise your chances of developing the condition, read our 15 Healthcare Essentials page or visit the Diabetes UK website
You can also read or download a more detailed history of My Story by Simon and watch the full interview below: